Black Flower of Life 4" Singing Bowl - Sacral Chakra Note D

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Singing bowls have been used in Buddhist traditions for hundreds of years and have gained popularity in the Western World in the past few decades. Most commonly, singing bowls are used to guide meditation or accompany yoga in the West, but there are many different, beneficial uses of singing bowls. One use that practitioners of singing bowls have found is that singing bowls possess the ability to treat and realign chakras.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Second Chakra or the Sexual Chakra, is located in the middle of the abdomen between the navel and the pubic bone. Not only does this chakra relate to your sexuality and relationships, but it is also key to your creativity. A balanced sacral chakra brings about creative inspiration and passion to create not only art, but improve your relationships and connections with others. When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience boredom and frustration or feel uninspired. You may also struggle emotionally in your relationships. Physical symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra include low sex drive, reproductive issues and urinary discomfort, which is why sacral chakra healing can be so important. The sacral chakra can become misaligned if you are in an unsatisfying relationship. The corresponding element to the sacral chakra is water and its corresponding gemstone is carnelian. It is associated with the color orange and the musical Note D.

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