Medicine Buddha Blue Singing Bowl 8" - Root Chakra - Note C

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Singing bowls have been used in Buddhist traditions for hundreds of years and have gained popularity in the Western World in the past few decades. Most commonly, singing bowls are used to guide meditation or accompany yoga in the West, but there are many different, beneficial uses of singing bowls. One use that practitioners of singing bowls have found is that singing bowls possess the ability to treat and realign chakras.
The seven chakras allow energy, chi or prana to flow through your body. One of the most effective ways of keeping our chakras in balance is the use of meditation with singing bowls. When struck or played with the included striker, the root chakra singing bowl emits the musical note “C.” This specific grounding tone allows you to use this singing bowl to address an imbalance in its corresponding chakra, the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra or first chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine.

Root chakra singing bowls are instrumental in grounding us and helping to cultivate a sense of security, belonging and abundance. This chakra helps in creating a strong sense of identity, gratitude and graceful ease.

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