All Workshops, Classes & Reiki

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Reiki with Tracey Rogers


Reiki with Tracey Rogers

Tracey has been a Master Level Reiki Practitioner and Teacher since 2008. Having worked with hundreds of clients and students she is able to assist you on your own wellness journey. Working with the emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical bodies, Tracey can assist you within all of these areas.
While being able to help customers develop in any area of their life, Tracey specializes in assisting clients with improving their self love and self compassion, and with using that self love, to help in their entire healing journey.
Tracey brings Mahatma Energy healing into every Reiki session, bringing in the highest vibration and dimension energy available to us in healing.
Tracey has worked with Shamanic Healing since 2011, and has been a certified Tuning Fork Therapist since 2014. Please ask Tracey if you would like to have the Shamanic Healing or Tuning Forks incorporated into your Reiki session. She is also happy to work with those Healing Techniques separately.

Tracey is certified and licensed through the Canadian Reiki Association.


$75 + hst for 1 hour


Tuesday May 7th
Thursday May 16th
Thursday May 23rd
Thursday May 30th

Tuesday June 4th


11:00am - 6:00pm

Please call to book an appointment.

White Feather Holistic Arts
1350 Ottawa Street, Windsor, ON
[email protected]
519 – 996 – 6409